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Andréas and Andy the basketball duo of the year

They know how to make the show

Few people know it but Andréas was French Freestyle Basketball champion. An honorary title which allows him to offer his services in the world of basketball. With Andy, the French number 2 after Brisco, they form an NBA duo.

Duo choreography to a soundtrack created by the famous DJ BSO, the two members of Team S3 Freestyle offered their service to a shopping center.

As usual, they were able to have fun with the public with challenges and challenges. Small bridge, stroke of the pen, spinning, all the technical gestures have been revisited. A boon for young people in the shopping center who came to do their shopping with their parents and who were able to take a few photos along the way.

Andy and Andréas are the two basketball freestylers of Team S3 behind the “one and only” Brisco! The World Champion of the discipline is also available on our site.