Wiwi chauffe Mantes-la-Jolie
Le 25 mai 2024, la ville de Mantes-la-Jolie a vibré au rythme du freestyle football grâce à la présence exceptionnelle de Wiwi, un des meilleurs freestylers de France et champion de Guyane, lors d'un événement spécial organisé en partenariat avec FAS Events.
Un Jour historique au Stade Émile Anthoine pour le S3 Tour
Le 25 mai 2024 restera marqué dans les annales comme une journée légendaire pour le S3 Tour, qui a fait escale au Stade Émile Anthoine à Paris. Ce lieu, déjà témoin de grands événements sportifs urbains tels que Quai 54 et Impulstar, a ajouté une nouvelle page à son histoire avec des compétitions de street football, freestyle basket, et panna.
S3 x Street Off à Lyon !
Les 24 et 25 mai 2024, le centre commercial de Lyon Part-Dieu a accueilli l'événement spectaculaire Street Off, marquant un point d'orgue dans le calendrier des événements urbains de la ville. Cette manifestation a vu la participation de figures emblématiques du monde du sport urbain, dont Bboy Lilou, champion du monde de break dance, qui a partagé la scène avec des talents exceptionnels tels que Haiper, Storm, et Manu.
Place to Play à Westfield Les 4 Temps
Du 18 au 20 mai 2024, le centre commercial Westfield Les 4 Temps à La Défense, Paris, s'est transformé en un véritable terrain de jeu urbain avec l'événement "Place to Play". Cette manifestation a vu la participation de cinq membres éblouissants de la team S3, qui ont animé le public nombreux avec des performances exceptionnelles en BMX, freestyle basket, et break dance.
Vitry-sur-Seine s'enflamme pour le S3 Tour 2024
Le 19 mai 2024, la ville de Vitry-sur-Seine a vibré au rythme du S3 Tour, accueillant la quatrième étape du prestigieux circuit de street football 3 vs 3. Cette journée a non seulement été une compétition acharnée pour une place à la grande finale, mais a également offert un spectacle époustouflant avec le S3 Fight, un battle de freestyle football qui a tenu toutes ses promesses.
La Flamme Olympique et Mélody illuminent Carcassonne
Le 16 mai 2024, la ville historique de Carcassonne a été témoin d'un événement exceptionnel : le passage de la flamme olympique, un symbole puissant de l'unité et de la paix à travers le sport, accompagné d'un spectacle inoubliable présenté par la talentueuse Mélody devant un public nombreux et enthousiaste.
la S3 Illumine la Fan Zone du PSG pour le Dernier Match de Mbappé
Le 12 mai 2024, un événement exceptionnel a captivé les supporters du Paris Saint-Germain devant la fan zone du stade, coïncidant avec le dernier match de Kylian Mbappé sous les couleurs parisiennes. Organisé par notre partenaire Opening Stage, le show de freestyle football et de panna a été un véritable régal pour les fans, grâce aux performances époustouflantes de JMK et Nolan.
Spectacle Urbain avec Westfield
Westfield, en partenariat avec les Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024, a orchestré une tournée exceptionnelle à travers ses centres commerciaux en France, présentant une fusion époustouflante de BMX flat, freestyle basket, et breakdance. Cette série de performances, destinée à captiver un public diversifié, a débuté le 11 et 12 mai 2024 au Forum des Halles à Paris, pour ensuite continuer aux Quatre Temps du 18 au 20 mai, à la Part-Dieu à Lyon les 24 et 25 mai, et finalement à Euralille les 31 mai et 1er juin.
Freestyle Football Brille au FISE Montpellier 2024
Du 10 au 13 mai 2024, Montpellier a vibré au rythme du FISE (Festival International des Sports Extrêmes), un événement annuel qui attire des amateurs de sports extrêmes du monde entier. Cette année, le festival a été particulièrement spécial pour les fans de freestyle football avec la présence des stars Mélody Donchet, Andréas, et Alexane, grâce à l'initiative de Montpellier Métropole qui a proposé un stand dédié à cette discipline.
Mélody Donchet et Veolia Enchantent la République Tchèque
Du 5 au 14 mai 2024, Prague et plusieurs autres villes tchèques ont été les témoins privilégiés d'une tournée exceptionnelle organisée par Veolia, avec la star internationale du freestyle football, Mélody Donchet. Cette visite marquait la deuxième année consécutive de cette initiative fructueuse, avec Mélody accompagnée d'Andrew Argent, pionnier du freestyle football français. Ensemble, ils ont offert des spectacles de panna, des séances d'initiation et ont partagé leur passion avec les jeunes à travers le pays.
Le S3 Tour débarque à Marseille
Le S3 Tour, le circuit national de street football en 3 contre 3, a poursuivi son élan avec une étape exceptionnelle à Marseille le 5 mai 2024. Cette compétition a rassemblé plus de 17 équipes, offrant un spectacle de football de rue à la hauteur des attentes d'un public passionné et diversifié.
Le S3 Tour revient à Saint-Brieuc
Le S3 Tour, une tournée nationale dédiée au street football en format 3 contre 3, a continué son périple à travers la France avec une deuxième étape dynamique à Saint-Brieuc le 27 avril 2024. Ce rendez-vous a rassemblé des équipes de toute la France, avec des performances qui ont maintenu les spectateurs en haleine jusqu'à la dernière minute.
S3 TOUR 2024 - Etape 1 - Mantes la Jolie
Le S3 Tour, la tournée nationale de street football en format 3 contre 3, a lancé sa première étape le 20 avril 2024 à Mantes-la-Jolie, marquant le début d'une série de huit événements à travers la France. Cette compétition ambitieuse culminera avec une grande finale à Aix-en-Provence, qui bénéficiera de la présence notable de Zinédine Zidane, légende du football mondial.
Spectacle de Football Freestyle au Parc des Princes
Le 21 avril 2024, le mythique Parc des Princes a accueilli un spectacle captivant organisé par l'agence Opening Stage, mettant en vedette deux géants du football freestyle : Andréas, champion de France, et Brayan, triple champion de France de panna. Cette journée exceptionnelle a été conçue pour célébrer la culture du football urbain dans le cadre prestigieux du stade du Paris Saint-Germain.
Manu et Mike Préparent le Terrain pour Paris 2024
Le 17 avril 2024, la Gare de l'Est à Paris s'est transformée en une spectaculaire arène de BMX Flat, accueillant un événement dynamique orchestré par l'agence Opening Stage. Cet événement a été conçu pour préparer et célébrer les prochains Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024, en mettant en avant l'art et l'athlétisme du BMX. Manu, double champion de France, et Mike, reconnu comme un virtuose et génie du BMX flat, ont été les têtes d'affiche de ce show itinérant qui a captivé des centaines de spectateurs.
JMK Enflamme Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois avec un Show de Panna
Le 6 avril 2024, Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois a vibré au rythme d'un événement footballistique unique, organisé par l'agence FAS Events. Le spectacle a mis en vedette JMK, reconnu comme le gardien le plus technique du monde, spécialisé en panna (petit pont). Cet événement a offert une expérience immersive dans l'art du football freestyle et du panna, attirant les amateurs de football de toutes les générations.
Mélody Donchet et Andréas Électrisent le 25ème Anniversaire de de Waard Grondverzet
Le 6 avril 2024, un événement mémorable a marqué le 25ème anniversaire de la société hollandaise de Waard Grondverzet B.V., près d'Amsterdam. Pour célébrer cette étape importante, un show exclusif en duo a été organisé avec deux des plus grands noms du freestyle football : Mélody Donchet, sextuple championne du monde, et Andréas, champion de France. Devant une audience de 400 personnes, ce spectacle a brillamment illustré la fusion du talent et de la passion.
Mélody Donchet Brille à Mauguio
Le 4 avril 2024, Mauguio, une charmante commune de l'Hérault, a été le théâtre d'un événement privé spectaculaire organisé par l'agence Revents. Cette soirée exclusive a mis en lumière Mélody Donchet, la locale de l'étape et sextuple championne du monde de freestyle football, qui a offert une performance époustouflante à un public trié sur le volet.
Festival de Talents à l'Adidas Arena
Le spectacle organisé par l'agence Opening Stage pour Danone a été un véritable festival de talents à l'Adidas Arena de Paris, rassemblant pas moins de 6000 enfants dans une ambiance électrique. L'événement a mis en vedette une pléiade de stars du sport et de la culture urbaine, créant une journée inoubliable pour les jeunes spectateurs.
Mélody Donchet S'impose aux Jeux Urbains 2024
Le 23 mars 2024, Toronto a été le théâtre d’un moment historique lors des Jeux Urbains, avec Mélody Donchet qui a brillamment remporté la compétition dans la catégorie freestyle football. Cette victoire renforce sa position en tant que figure de proue de cette discipline spectaculaire et souligne son incroyable talent et sa persévérance.
Explosion de Talents à Sarlat :
Le 29 mars 2024, la charmante ville de Sarlat a été le théâtre d'un événement multi-arts spectaculaire, organisé par l'agence FAS Events. Cette soirée unique a rassemblé des talents de renom dans un cadre exceptionnel, offrant aux spectateurs locaux et aux visiteurs une expérience culturelle inoubliable.
Un Événement Privé de la SNCF Célèbre la Culture Urbaine avec Freestyle Football et BMX
Le 14 avril 2024, les collaborateurs de la SNCF ont eu le privilège d'assister à un événement privé exceptionnel au Palais des Sports de Nantes, organisé spécialement pour eux par l'agence Opening Stage. Cette soirée unique a non seulement célébré la culture urbaine mais a aussi permis de découvrir une fusion impressionnante de différents arts urbains, notamment le freestyle football et le BMX.
Spot 24 s'illumine : Un spectacle urbain réunit élites du break dance et du BMX à Paris
Le 8 mars, l'agence RStyle a marqué les esprits avec l'inauguration spectaculaire du Spot 24 à Paris, un nouveau haut lieu dédié aux arts urbains. Cet événement, célébrant la diversité et le dynamisme de la culture urbaine, a rassemblé des talents exceptionnels dans les disciplines du break dance et du BMX.
Mélody Donchet illumine Marseille : Une célébration du talent féminin en freestyle football pour la Journée de la Femme
Le 7 mars 2024, à l'occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, la ville de Marseille a eu le privilège d'accueillir Mélody Donchet, sextuple championne du monde de freestyle football, originaire du Nord de la France. L'événement s'est déroulé sur le célèbre Vieux-Port, où Mélody a offert une démonstration de freestyle football de haut niveau, captivant une audience variée, enthousiaste et engagée.
Andréas, Champion de France de Freestyle chauffe Lieusaint
Le 3 février 2024, la ville de Lieusaint a eu le privilège d'accueillir un spectacle de freestyle unique, organisé par FAS Events, mettant en lumière les talents du champion de France Andréas, expert en freestyle football et basket. Cet événement a été une célébration spectaculaire du sport, de la créativité et de la passion.
Un Show Multi-Art pour l'Inauguration de Spot 24 à Paris le 29 Janvier 2024
Le 29 janvier 2024, Spot 24 à Paris a accueilli un spectacle multi-art inoubliable pour son inauguration, organisé par R-style. Andréas, Storm, Nico, Medmax et Baby, des artistes talentueux spécialisés dans le freestyle foot, le freestyle basket et le break dance, ont offert aux spectateurs une soirée spectaculaire, mélangeant créativité, maîtrise technique et passion.
Un Show Époustouflant de Manu Massabova à Vernon le 27 Janvier 2024
Le 27 janvier 2024, la ville de Vernon a vibré au rythme des acrobaties spectaculaires de Manu Massabova, champion de France de BMX flat. Organisé par l'agence S3 Freestyle, ce show a mis en lumière le talent et la maîtrise technique exceptionnels de Massabova, offrant aux habitants de Vernon un spectacle inoubliable.
An Exceptional Artistic Wedding on January 25, 2024 in Ferrière
On January 25, 2024, Ferrière was the scene of a unique artistic marriage, bringing together several disciplines for a breathtaking show. Organized by the Tout Mix agency, this multi-art event presented the exceptional talents of Manu Massabova in BMX, Andréas in freestyle football, and Storm in freestyle basketball.
Suitman in Freestyle Basketball Show at Mont-Saint-Aignan on January 25, 2024
On January 25, 2024, Mont-Saint-Aignan vibrated to the rhythm of basketball during the freestyle show hosted by Suitman, content creator and expert on the subject. This event, organized in partnership with AS RUC Danse, was a masterful demonstration of creativity and talent.
JMK delights Amiens with a Panna Show
On January 18, 2024, football fans in Amiens were delighted by a unique panna show, featuring JMK, renowned champion of this discipline. Organized in partnership with FAS Events, the panna show highlighted the incomparable skill of JMK, who captivated spectators with his techniques and ingenuity.
Cris Street Dazzles Le Havre during the Freestyle Show on January 15, 2024
On January 15, 2024, Le Havre was the scene of an exceptional freestyle show organized in partnership with FAS Events. Residents had the opportunity to witness an unforgettable performance by Cris Street, Portuguese freestyle champion. This event highlighted the spectacular talent of this renowned freestyler, who captivated the crowd with his technical prowess and unique style.
S3 Freestyle in Palaiseau: An Unforgettable Show on January 13, 2024
On January 13, 2024, the residents of Palaiseau had the opportunity to attend an exceptional event: the S3 Freestyle, organized in partnership with FAS Events. This unique show highlighted the unparalleled talent of Andréas and Alexane, two professional freestylers who dazzled the audience with their technical prowess and creativity.
Andréas always FAS
The founder of Team S3 ends the year 2023 as he started. With our faithful and loyal partner Fas Events, Andréas went to a multisport show in Montesson in the 78.
Mélody à Port Marly
Quand une soirée réunit des Dunkers, des magiciens, des danseurs et une freestyleuse, on sait d’avance que la soirée va bien se passer.
Mélody Freestyle at home
Pézénas, a small town in Languedoc Roussillon, a few kilometers from the place of residence of Mélody Donchet. A Freestyle Football animation alongside the French Ballon Tennis team coach.
Team S3 in Kenya
Imagine the scene, Mélody Donchet who participates in his 13th World Football World Championship, Andréas Cetkovic who judges for the first time an international competition and Séan Garnier, present to organize Urbanball Fight in Nairobi.
Brisco ends the year in Bordeaux
The end of year celebrations are increasing and basketball clubs often think of making a gift animation for their members.
Team S3 for the inauguration of the Spot 24
Sport 24 will be one of the main places of activity of the Parisian Olympic Games.
S3 Influence
A tournament of influencers to promote the 2024 S3 Tour. This went to Urbansoccer de Puteaux who was able to receive the 8 teams.
Districlos with Alexane and Andréas
A new exhibition fair in Lyon where two freestylers from the S3 team will be present.
Mélody speaks German!
A huge international crane seminar! Imagine, Mélody Donchet, sixty world champion and reigning European champion ...
Andreas comes home
Few know it but Andréas was born in Meaux and lives in Bailly Romainvilliers.
La Team S3 à Caen la Mer
The last time Team S3 was in Normandy was in 2013 for the FutAll Star, a gala match between Team S3 and former pro players from Le Havre.
Alexane freestyle for Paname
A loyal partner of Team S3 for years, the R-Style association represented by François and Hayette Gautret have always worked for Freestyle Football and urban cultures in general.
Andy in Basket Show in Acigné
Freestyle basketball has been on the rise since we know that the 3X3 is at the Olympic Games.
Andréas just targets with Ivry skylight
Evry's skylight, which does not know this exceptional concept. Born in Evry, the skylight is a building where young people in the neighborhood had fun shooting in the small window.
Andréas and Brayan in Aubergenville
Andréas and Brayan in Aubergenville for a shopping center. Again, shopping centers are increasingly trying activations to attract young people.
Bencok and Bilel at the Ardent Festival
The Ardent Festival is the largest festival in Europe, its tracklist is just impressive.
Mélody embarks on weddings
By dint of filming, editing, posting their content, our artists have become real creators of content for them but also for others.
Sixtine matches with Intersport
Agencies sometimes contact us for very unique collaborations. For now, Mélody being absent, we called on Sixtine.
Andréas freestyle for Buchelay
Andreas had an extraordinary summer. He didn't stop for a single day and continued to perform throughout the summer.
Samy Speaker in FFF Tour mode
The FFF Tour is a tribute to diverse football. For 20 years with the presence in particular of the Beach Soccer Tour,
The grand final of the 2023 S3 Tour at 104!
Here we are ! The grand final of the S3 Tour 2023 has brought together the 8 best French teams!
S3 Tour 2023 is exported to Saint Brieuc
8th and last stage of the S3 Tour 2023 which ends in Bretagne!
S3 Tour 2023 discovers Vitry sur Seine
Vitry-sur-Seine! How not to go through this legendary city of 94. The city of Rohff and 113, Stunball,
S3 Tour 2023 goes through Fontenay sous Bois
The S3 Tour 2023 wanted to come to Fontenay-sous-Bois. We had demonstrated with Brayan who had gone very well a few months ago.
S3 Tour 2023 returns to Clichy Sous Bois
The S3 Tour had to return to this mythical city of 93 and winner of the first edition.
S3 Tour 2023 with we are Etendart
After Marseille, the S3 Tour 2023 wanted to return to the Ile de France and in particular in the 19th arrondissement of Paris.
S3 Tour 2023 in Marseille Area
After Aix-en-Provence, the S3 Tour 2023 had to go to Marseille! The capital of French football wanted to welcome a stage.
S3 Tour 2023 sets down in Aix-en-Provence
The S3 Tour 2023 continues for the first time in the south of France in Aix-en-Provence in the famous Zinedine Zidane complex ...
S3 Tour 2023 starts in Issy les Moulineaux
The S3 Tour 2023 season 2 starts in 92 in Issy-les-Moulineaux.
Moss Freestyle for Burnoy
Moss Freestyle, 2 times French Freestyle football champion, steamer on Twitch, FIFA player, YouTuber, it's the funny freestyler that we want to have in his team.
Samy speaker for Zizou
Samy Speaker is called a privileged speaker. Having the chance to speaker alongside ZZ is a chance.
Andréas and Amine in nutmeg mode
Andréas everyone knows him for his otherworldly panna. But what about Amine? This is the Next Gen
Andréas in show for a company
Andréas continues the shows for companies in Île de France.
Team S3 Kipsta ambassadors
Another year as Kipsta Ambassadors is simply incredible.
Mélody announces the new OM jersey
OM, PUMA, Mélody! The winning trio to highlight the new Olympique de Marseille jersey.
Mélody, face of the 2023 Women's World Cup
The Women's World Cup took place in Australia and Mélody Donchet was there
Team S3 with the DKT Cup
Decathlon is shifting into second and soon third gear on football. In collaboration with Kiptsa, Puma and Adidas, they launched the first edition DKT Cup.
Team S3 with France 98
For 10 years, Team S3 has performed every year during the Diomède Cup as freestylers with a show at half-time of the France 98 vs Académie Diomède match.
Team S3 in Corsica
Madewis and Team S3, episode 3! After Lyon and Bordeaux, the Madewisiens went to Corsica to the famous Bastia stadium, Furiani.
Moss in the game in Paris
Moss Freestyle, 2 times French Freestyle Football champion, Twitch steamer, FIFA player, YouTuber, he's the funny freestyler you want to have on your team.
Brayan in panna mode in Paname
Three times French panna champion including a panna on Séan Garnier in the final of the French championships, this is the CV of Brayan Andrieux.
Mélody show off in Paris
A Mélody show in Paris, a habit for the one who now lives in Montpellier.
Hani in influencer mode for Conforama
Who would've believed that ? Hani Azzoug, famous director and producer, found himself contacted by the Conforama brand in order to...
Melody on tour in Prague
Mélody Donchet is exported abroad, particularly to the Czech Republic. Thanks to Andrew Argent, pioneer of Freestyle Football in Europe...
Andréas at Five Pizza de Nantes
Andréas continues his tour in the Five Pizza. This time, it was Five Pizza in Nantes which had the pleasure of welcoming the founder of Team S3.
Team S3 at Kiptsadium
The adventure continues between Team S3 Freestyle and Kiptsa, notably at Decathlon HQ - Kiptsadium - located in the North of France in Tourcoing.
Andréas and Andy the basketball duo of the year
Few people know it but Andréas was French Freestyle Basket champion.
Mélody buzz with the French Football Federation
40 million! This is the number of views that the video posted by Mélody on her Facebook page received.
Andreas with Five Pizza Bordeaux
Andréas continues his tour in the Five Pizza. This time, it was Five Pizza in Bordeaux which had the pleasure of welcoming the founder of Team S3.
Andréas and the magic of the Côte d’Azur
Andréas and Siméon dazzled the French Riviera with their exploits.
Double Freestyle Football World Champion Séan Garnier, Reis do Dribble 2023!
Once again, the two-time RedBull World Freestyle Football Champion represented France at the famous Reis Do Dribble competition organised by Falcao in Brazil
The French Freestyle Football champion Andréas is off to a great start!
Always active on social networks, Andréas, the freestyle football champion, was able to realize several projects in January 2023.
Brisco, the World Freestyle Basketball Champion in NBA mode
Brisco, the World Freestyle Basketball Champion in NBA mode has raised activations and partnerships with major brands have allowed Brisco to live incredible dreams. Collaboration with Joakim Noah, NBA All World, Wilson
JMK, the goalkeeper is still having fun
Thanks to our loyal partner FAS Events, JMK, the most technical goalkeeper in the world, found himself in the Panna arena in front of the Le Mans FC stadium. Find out more with the S3 Freestyle Team.
Kipsta Futsal and the S3 Freestyle Team with Séan Garnier, the 2022 review
No less than 7 activations were carried out this year with as a highlight, the Séan Garnier shoe, limited edition of 2008, an associated NFT, a show and a visit to the Kipsta Lab in Lisbon, Portugal, the S3 Tour with 3000 euros for the winner of the first edition offered by Kipsta.
La Team S3 Freestyle et Five Pizza, sur adore
Small bridges (panna), challenges and beautiful videos were on the programme with the S3 Freestyle Team specialising in freestyle football shows on this beautiful day for the opening of a new Five Pizza franchisee.
Mélody Donchet, the freestyler in seminar mode
Our First Lady of Freestyle Football has been delighting the corporate world. Having arrived from Dubai, she took part in a one-day seminar with a company based in several locations in the Paris region.
Mélody, the freestyler and Montpellier, the beautiful story.
Our six-time world champion continues to extend her fame in the 34. Resident in Vendargues, Mélody was noticed at the FISE 2022 with Andréas thanks to a week of initiation and shows
Freestyle Basketball is as attractive as ever with the S3 Freestyle Team
Andréas (French Freestyle Basket champion among others) and Andy (current French number 2) represented Team S3 in Pontault Combault.
Team S3 in Qatar for the Football World Cup
The only person who represented Team S3 in Qatar during the World Cup was Alexane Meunier (younger sister of Jordan Meunier, multiple French Freestyle Football Champion).
Freestyle football shows and panna sessions in Dubai for Team S3
Freestyle football shows and panna sessions with children allowed young and old to enjoy the
Team S3's choreography. Hani, who was present to make one-minute videos, was able to enjoy the beautiful sunset offered by the Emirati city.
Spectacles de Freestyle Foot, BMX, double dutch, break dance avec Fas Events
Hosted by Samy Speaker and in collaboration with our partner Fas Events, the evening will be punctuated by awards presented by the town hall's elected officials and shows of Freestyle Foot, BMX, double dutch and break dance. More information with S3 Freestyle
Organisation of freestyle football shows with Séan Garnier at the football world cup in Qatar
The Football World Cup is the most followed global event. It was not possible for Team S3 not to be present. Séan Garnier, our two-time World Champion in the discipline, will be present for the finals and will be a true creator of premium content.
JMF, Andréas and Moss at Printemps in Paris for freestyle football animations with Fas Events
JMK, Andréas and Moss took over the Printemps store in Paris, Boulevard Haussmann. Thanks to our partner FAS Events, the Parisian public could enjoy the Freestyle Football and panna animations.
Fontenay sous Bois in panna mode with Brayan from Team S3 Freestyle
The performances in the Decathlons made some noise. Those of Rosny sous Bois and Montreuil were very noticed.
Hani (director and film maker) in superman mode
There is no stopping our director/film maker who is capable of a series of high level performances. Hani Azzoug is the recognized talent for his productions and post productions in France.
FAS Events and the S3 Freestyle Team, a partnership that lasts...
For 15 years, the event agency FAS Events has been our oldest and most loyal partner. Shows all over France, whether it is Football or Basketball,
A freestyle show and small bridge competition at the Parc des Princes !
Thanks to our partner Opening Stage, we continue the shows at the Parc des Princes. Andréas and JMK will set the Parc's corridors on fire for the PSG Nice match. Freestyle show and small bridge contest are on the program.
Andréas x Qatar Airways
From Paris to Zurich, via Madrid and Copenhagen, Andréas has been chosen as an ambassador to represent the airline. His objective? To attract as many people as possible in front of the huge Qatar Airways screens where Neymar himself (via the screen) offers freestyle challenges. If the person succeeds, they win a gift from the airline.
Les ateliers de Paris / CDCN with Team S3 Freestyle
As we all know, dance and freestyle football are closely linked. This is why the ateliers de Paris, based at the Cartoucherie de Paris, a place dedicated to contemporary dance, wanted to present freestyle football through Andréas and Alexane.
Séan Garnier -> Road to the World Cup 2022 ! with S3 Freestyle
An excellent rehearsal a few months before the start of the Football World Cup, where Séan Garnier will certainly be present to make us live the best moments of this planetary event.
PANNA TOUR! in partnership with Kipsta
In partnership with Kipsta, Team S3 will organise a special Panna Tour for 6/14 year olds in 3 Decathlon locations. Team S3, consisting of Moss, Traffy, Andréas, Cris and Bencok will be present to set the stage with shows and panna.
MTV Adidas Puma Nike New Balance feat Hani!
With Hani, everything is possible! How in less than 2 weeks, Hani was able to shoot with Coman, Neymar, Kimpembe, Harit, the biggest French Street Football tournament and New Balance?
Mélody avec l???AS Monaco
Un show ultra VIP avec le club de la principauté. Notre sextuple championne du Monde de freestyle football féminin, Mélody Donchet, s???est rendue à Monaco pour réaliser plusieurs prestations.
Back to school at S3 Freestyle
Already 2 shows with PSG for the reception of Monaco and Brest. Moss and JMK set the young Parisian fans on fire
the young Parisian fans with Freestyle Football demonstrations and panna matches.
The S3 Tour Grand Final Season I
After 8 stages played in France, 64 participating teams, 256 participating players, nearly a dozen different judges, [...]
S3 Tour Stage 8 Clichy Sous Bois
As we often say, the best for the end! The stage of Clichy Sous Bois was incredible.
S3 Tour Stage 7 Paris 18eme • S3 Freestyle
The new field inaugurated by Daniel Narcisse in Paris 18th was witness to the new generation.
S3 Tour Stage 6 Paris 20eme Belleville
For once, the Belleville stage was almost played out in the rain. But in the end, the sun got the better of the bad weather.
S3 Tour Stage 5 Grande Synthe
Professional! Thanks to the association Blacklist, we had the best organized stage of the S3 Tour so far.
S3 Tour Stage 4 Rouen • S3 Freestyle
A historic stage! The stage from Rouen to HDR (Hauts de Rouen) will remain in the archives. All the ingredients were there.
S3 Tour Etape 3 Conflans
Conflans Saint Honorine, a small peaceful town, lost in the countryside but with incredible young people.
S3 Tour Etape 2 Colombes
After the good weather, the rain! Unfortunately Colombes will not have had the chance to play outside because of the bad weather.
S3 Tour Stage 1 Champigny Sur Marne
The first stage of this S3 Tour did not go as the S3 Team thought it would.
S3 Team in the color of the barrio in June
North of France and south of Portugal. This is the program that awaits the S3 Team in June.
S3 Tour S22022
Colombes will be the second step of the S3 Tour 2022. This stage is special because it follows 4 pre-qualification steps.
S3 Tour S12022
Champigny-sur-Marne will have been the first stage of the S3 Tour 2022 and will remain historic. On June 12, 2022, the Square Lulli association allowed us to host this first step.
Samy Speaker and The Madewis Cup 2022 (amateur football tournament) - S3 Freestyle
After a successful second edition in Lyon last season, Samy Speaker took the microphone again to host the third edition of the Madewis Cup in Bordeaux at the Matmut Atlantique.
Hani in superman mode
Hani Azzoug never ceases to amaze us from project to project.
Andreas, and the soccer clubs!
The founder of Team S3 is in the news at the end of this sporting year.
Noyon and the S3 Freestyle Team
Every year, the town of Noyon organises a major sporting event for young people. The freestylers of Team S3 have always been well received.
Mélody in burst mode for Fujifilm
A unique project and a real world first for this collaboration between the six-time Freestyle Football World Champion, Mélody Donchet, and the Japanese photography giant, one of the world leaders in its sector, Fujifilm.
Melody in Cologne for the Men's Handball Champions League
Who would have thought that Handball and Freestyle Football could put on a show together?
S3 x Kipsta Football
After a year and a half of collaboration, we announced our partnership with Kiptsa Football to launch the Barrio.