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Kipsta Futsal and the S3 Freestyle Team with Séan Garnier, the 2022 review

Kipsta Futsal et Séan Garnier avec la Team S

Over 25 million views with Barrio shoes in 2022

An exceptional year ends with Kipsta Futsal and the collaboration with the new Street Football shoe - Barrio.

No less than 7 activations were carried out this year, with the highlight being Séan Garnier's shoe, limited edition of 2008, an associated NFT, a show and a visit to the Kipsta Lab in Lisbon, Portugal, the S3 Tour with 3000 euros for the winner of the first edition offered by Kipsta.

A year rich in events, rich in content too, since Team S3 has achieved more than 25 million views with Barrio shoes in 2022. 

This was a real opportunity for the brand, which was able to take advantage of this digital visibility in addition to the many new ambassadors signed.

The only downside was that production of the senior shoe was stopped. Due to a technical problem, the shoe was reproduced and will only be released in the summer of 2023.

Hopefully we will still be there for this release with a nice surprise for Team S3 fans that will arrive during the year.