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Team S3 in Kenya

it freestyle in Kenya

Imagine the scene, Mélody Donchet who participates in his 13th World Football World Championship, Andréas Cetkovic who judges for the first time an international competition and Séan Garnier, present to organize Urbanball Fight in Nairobi.

These three Freestyle Football legends were gathered with the world freestyle Gotta that saw the 10th world title for the Norwegian Erlend, which ends his incredible career.

And a new title for the Polish Aguska, which is gradually approaching Mélody.

Mélody lost in the semi-finals despite a foot injury just before the competition. With a severe decision of the judges, Mélody leaves nevertheless satisfied with his competition.

As for Andréas, he was delighted to be alongside the legend Andrew Anderson but also the former world champion Kamalio, Yo Le Japanese and Sven Le Luxembourgeois.

Finally, Séan Garnier was able to organize an Urbanball Fight in Nairobi with the locals and introduce this new discipline of street football.