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Team S3 at Kiptsadium

Show off at Kiptsadium

The adventure continues between Team S3 Freestyle and Kiptsa, notably at Decathlon HQ - Kiptsadium - located in the North of France in Tourcoing. As usual, Ligue 1's new partner Uber Eats saw the big picture to welcome Team S3.

All team sports managers from around the world gathered at HQ to discover the new Kit collections. And who better than Team S3 with Andréas, Moss, Traffy, Mélody, Bencok, JMK and Andy to present the new products.

Through an oiled and interactive show, Team S3 livened up this evening with a spectacular show and panna challenges of which only they have the secret. Football, Rugby, Handball, Basketball and Volleyball were on the program and the freestylers were able to parade and play with all the balls. An original and innovative way to showcase products.

Decathlon employees loved it! Especially the panna part.