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Team S3 with the DKT Cup

Show time at kipstadium

Decathlon is shifting into second and soon third gear on football. In collaboration with Kiptsa, Puma and Adidas, they launched the first edition DKT Cup. A 7vs7 football tournament for the U14 and U16 boys categories.

To spice up the tournament, Decathlon had the good idea of ​​inviting two world champions. Honor to the ladies, the first is Mélody Donchet. Our six-time World Champion was accompanied by a Belgian, Panna World Champion, Soufiane Bencok.

The two members of Team S3 were able to challenge the different teams from the North of France. Nearly 16 teams were entered in Tourcoing and we were able to see the exploits of Mélody and Bencok. Freestyle show on the field and panna competition in the cage with Samy Speaker on the microphone, the ingredients were there to liven up the Kipstadium.