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S3 Tour 2023 starts in Issy les Moulineaux


The S3 Tour 2023 season 2 starts in 92 in Issy-les-Moulineaux. Following our visit to the Diomède Cup, it was normal to make this first step with many academic members. The level was there. On a small field, the 8 teams present were able to compete and discover the new rules of the S3 Tour.

In particular the small area in front of the goals which allows defenders to no longer stay in front of the goals to defend. The judges are always present and want to see technical gestures again and again. We saw gestures for this first episode of the S3 Tour 2023.

We recall that it is 3VS3 without guard and that the winner of the S3 Tour Nationale will leave to represent France in Latvia in Riga, for a large international tournament of 3VS3 with our partner Ghetto Football.

It is also recalled that this tour is sponsored by Kipsta Futsal. Everything is broadcast on the YouTube S3 Freestyle channel. To conclude, the winner of this first episode is called Tinguini. Go to Paris for the final!