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S3 Tour 2023 goes through Fontenay sous Bois


The S3 Tour 2023 wanted to come to Fontenay-sous-Bois. We had demonstrated with Brayan who had gone very well a few months ago. The Youth Service felt the blow and wanted to offer the S3 Tour during the Sports Festival.

A large space with stands was reserved for players and the S3 team with a particular guest - Mr Akamz - AKA the biggest French Tiktokeur. He came to do some content with young people and it was a real pleasure to have it.

As for the game, we were lucky to have spectacle with your freestylers, panna players who came in number to show their skills. But it was a football team that won the qualification for the grand final of the S3 Tour 2023.

Thanks again to Grégory and all his team for their superb welcome.