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S3 Tour 2023 sets down in Aix-en-Provence


The S3 Tour 2023 continues for the first time in the south of France in Aix-en-Provence in the famous Zinedine Zidane complex, the Z5. A huge complex with several football fields at 5 as well as Padel fields, a restaurant and a gym.

After the first edition of the football show, Universe Football, which took place in the complex, we took the opportunity to carry out the second stage of the S3 Tour. A record step because 12 teams were registered instead of the usual 8. Incredible level again, especially since the tournament took place in front of Séan Garnier, Mélody Donchet and Cédric Bonnot. 3 world champions in freestyle football and footgolf.

The players had to increase the level in front of such a jury. And it was the SNCF team that won the tournament. Go to Paris for the final!