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S3 TOUR E12022

FC Wakanda has won its ticket

Champigny-sur-Marne will have been the first stage of the S3 Tour 2022 and will remain historic. On June 12, 2022, the Square Lulli association allowed us to host this first step.

And the level was high as the temperature. Almost 36 degrees in the shade, it did not prevent the teams to produce level.

And in this little game, it is FC Wakanda who won the first ticket for the Grand Final of the S3 Tour in Paris.

An S3 show with Soufiane Bencok, Andréas, Traffy and Moss was done in front of the youngsters of the neighborhood who saw Team S3 for the first time.

A real bargain for those who wanted to challenge the best freestylers.

On this stage, we did not have the chance to see the artistic talents of the neighborhood but we will have to count on the team of FC Wakanda which was very strong.