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S3 Tour Stage 7 Paris 18eme


The new field inaugurated by Daniel Narcisse in Paris 18th was witness to the new generation. Two teams of 16 years old reached the final.

A stage that was played between friends from the same neighborhood, more precisely Riquet. The players came together but formed two teams. They found themselves in the final. This was played once again at 1 vs 1 (the equivalent of penalties). In this game, it is the team of FC Cmp which qualified with an incredible speed and efficiency.

On the side of Riquet Elite, there had been a long hesitation to know who was going to participate in this 1 vs 1. The young Jibran assumed his responsibilities and at the same time was elected MVP of the stage. He will therefore participate in the quarterfinals of the Fight Ball against the MVP of Rouen.

A big thank you to the associations Music Hall and Espoir19 for the organization of this stage. To note the presence of the YouTuber Boumé Sama and especially Malik, the manager of the restaurant L'Opium, who regaled us with Show Freestyle and Panna. He was shooting a YouTube video with Moss (Vis ma vie de Freestyler). Thanks to them.