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140K cumulative followers 

Engagement rate: 6%.


French Freestyle Basketball Champion 

French Freestyle Football Champion 

Winner of Just Standing 

Vice World Champion in Duo 

European Vice-Champion in 4x4 

Informations complémentaires

Speaker / MC  

Spoken languages : French / English / Spanish / Serbian

Particularity : he loves public transport 

Residence : Paris

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The creator of the Street Style Society (S3) crew. In 2006, Andréas brought together Séan Garnier and Ice The Flow to create the S3 entity. French Champion in Freestyle Football and Basketball, winner of the Just Standing, Andréas is the only artist to have won a national title in 3 different disciplines.

Showman, street player, choreographer, speaker, youtuber, consultant, dancer, content creator, Andréas wears many hats with as much ease as he handles the ball. He is a true pillar of the S3 Team, appreciated by all. He has travelled all over the world and speaks 4 languages. 100% customer satisfaction since 2006, he has always been recommended by customers. 

