Séan Garnier
20M cumulative followers
Engagement rate: 2%.
2X World Freestyle Football Champion
3X French Freestyle Football Champion
French Panna Champion
French Futsal Champion
Storyteller / Speaker / MC / Actor
Spoken languages : French / English
Particularity : He is a perfectionist
Residence : Dubai
The number one influencer in the world of freestyle football. Several times world champion, French champion of Panna and Futsal,
Séan is now a real personality. Residing in Dubai since 2018, he is breaking all the statistics with record audiences.
Present on all the social networks, it is difficult to miss his plated braid cap style.
A true showman, Séan speaks English and French on his networks. He masters the art of show, choreography, speaker, coach and consultant.
Since 2006, Séan has been travelling the world and has mastered the codes of Street Football events and social networks.
He is followed by over 20 million people worldwide and achieves between 40 and 80 million views per month.