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Content creator


What is the difference between an influencer and a content creator? Since the emergence of social media, Team S3 has adapted to platforms and trends by creating communities through their content. Sports performance, art, trickshot, panna, humour, role-playing, vlogs, shows and the list is as long as their creativity. 

Millions of followers, views, likes and comments have been the success of the quality of content creators that Team S3 offers.

From Facebook to the latest Tiktok to the famous Instragram to the newcomer Twitch, not to mention the giant YouTube, Team S3's talents are on every platform. 

Of course, depending on affinity and audience, some creators invest more in certain platforms than others. The most successful of all is without question Séan Garnier. He has achieved what no other content creator has managed to do. Having more than 3 million followers on each platform (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok). 

We achieve an average of 70 million views per month across all platforms and talents. 

We can produce our own content with our own cameramen and editors. 


  • Request for a quote at least 10 days in advance
  • Brief as precise as possible to meet your expectations. 
  • We can produce in white label. 
  • Some talents have exclusivities with certain brands. 
  • We suggest that you budget for a cameraman if you wish to bring in a talent. 


Depending on your audience and your budget, we recommend the most suitable profiles for your event.

We advise you to send us all your needs in order to find the best profile for you according to their availability.

The success of your event is our priority. 
