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Street Style Society, this is the meaning of the word S3.

Created in 2006 by Séan Garnier, Andréas Cetkovic and Ice The Flow, these three freestyle pioneers have revolutionised the world of freestyle ball.

Inspired by football, basketball and dance, Team S3 Freestyle has created a unique movement in the world taken up by thousands of people on five continents.

A few years later, several champions such as Soufiane Bencok, Brisco or Mélody Donchet joined the movement.

Today, 15 talents shine all over the world in the colours of Team S3 Freestyle.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



Founder and Art Director


General Manager




  • 80 million views per month
  • 5 million likes per month
  • 20 million followers
  • 150 shows per year
  • 99% satisfaction rate
  • 13 international talents
  • 13 permanent shows
  • 11 World Championship titles
  • 6 European Champion titles

Our values

  • Competence Customer satisfaction, know-how, team spirit, service and excellence.
  • SocialFairness, equality, improving the quality of life.
  • Relational Respect, trust and loyalty.
  • Conquest Innovation, performance, success and ambition.


We are fortunate to have the best talent in each discipline. 

They have at least 10 years of experience in their field.

Freestyle football

1 show of 20 min alone or in group


1 show of 20 min alone or in group


1 show with audience interaction for 20 minutes

Speaker / MC

Animation at the microphone for the duration of the show