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A historic stage! The stage from Rouen in HDR (Hauts de Rouen) will remain in the archives. All the ingredients were there. Public, level, players, Team S3, speaker, music, atmosphere, organization, the ground, the temperature. Nothing was missing for this stage to be a success. And this was confirmed in the first game.

A quarter final that could have been the final of the stage. The draw was unfortunate for both teams. Bounces in all directions and a draw that will give us a 1 vs 1 of anthology.

Hardly recovered from our emotions that the magic that we see in the French Cups occurs. The small thumb of the competition, which is registered at the last minute, starts its quarterfinal with a lot of desire. And then, the small goal on a counter which will make all the difference. The public with them, the S3 Team behind them, the announcer who pushes and then at the 8th minute, synonymous with the end of the match, deliverance! Victory for the 100 Blaze who are only 14 years old!

They will not stop there since in semi-final, they will go until 1vs1. And it is Hasni, the small left-handed genius who delivered his team to go in final.

Invading the field, shouting, joy, screaming, the phones were out to film this feat from elsewhere.

But the final made to a team that came to win, with more physical freshness, turned in the direction of the great of the neighborhood. But congratulations to the 100 Blaze, we know we will see them again in a few years.

Thanks to Samy from the Rouen soccer club. An organization at the top with a rapper at the end who will have put the atmosphere and a team of Tiktoker come to make a match of gala against the Team S3 composed of Moss, Traffy and Brayan