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The Madewis Cup 2022 with Samy Speaker

Samy Speaker took the microphone again

After a successful second edition in Lyon last season, Samy Speaker took the microphone again to host the third edition of the Madewis Cup in Bordeaux at the Matmut Atlantique.

A real performance over 3 days since he animated the opening ceremony on Friday and the two days of tournaments.

From U7 to U12, the best teams of France meet after having won their qualification stage.

More than 10,000 players participate in this competition each year, which is gathering more and more fans.

Samy Speaker was able to animate with brilliance and put the atmosphere throughout the weekend accompanied by the director of the event, Alexandre Gébleux and DJ CBR.

Professional teams like LOSC, Girondins de Bordeaux, SC Bastia and AC Ajaccio were present.

See you next year to make the voice of Samy Speaker resound, but in which stadium this time?