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S3 Tour Stage 1 Champigny Sur Marne

The first stage of the S3 Tour

The first stage of this S3 Tour did not go as the S3 Team thought it would, as the heat came in at the last minute and they took the place of 4 teams who did not want to play in the stifling heat.

4 teams competed and despite the low number of teams, the level was there. For the little story, the district of Hautes Noues which is next to the district where the S3 Tour is played never mixes. Ironically, it was the visiting team that won against FC Wakanda, a local team, very organized with great ambitions.

Team S3 was there with Moss, Andréas, Traffy, Soufiane Bencok and Brayan. Freestyle show, panna contest, with the heat, Team S3 showed once again that it was the best team in the world in its field.

Team S3 was also present with the young Ali. This last one realized a crazy gesture in match which gave him the right to the qualification for the Fight Ball France organized by Séan Garnier.

A magnificent first stage with gestures, rebounds but above all a real understanding between all the teams. Thanks once again to Costaud for his participation in the organization of this first historical stage of the S3 Tour.